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A team of highly-trained, compassionate and knowledgeable volunteers make weekly visits to clients’ homes. The focus of their visit is to provide emotional, social and/or practical support to those living with a life-limiting illness and support to their caregivers. 

Volunteer Visiting Program

Hospice palliative care is aimed at relieving suffering and improving quality of life for persons who are living with, or dying from, advanced illness or are bereaved. Palliative care meets not only the physical needs, but also psychological, social, and practical needs of each person and their family. While the hospice residence is available for individuals who require 24/7 specialized care from our nursing team, our volunteer visiting program is available to provide informal in-home support (i.e. companionship and respite, we do not provide in-home nursing/PSW) for several months and can continue to provide support wherever your journey takes you (i.e. hospital, hospice). 



How does the program work?

An in-home assessment is completed, and volunteers are matched one-to-one with an individual in the community based on shared background, interests, or hobbies. The same volunteer visits weekly to provide support, companionship, and respite time to the individual and their family



Who are the volunteers?

Our phenomenal team of visiting volunteers:

  • Are thoroughly screened, including interviews, reference checks, and vulnerable sector police screening.

  • Receive 30 hours of training specific to hospice palliative care.

  • Display sensitivity, good communication skills, willingness to help, and have respect for the privacy and dignity of others.

  • Provide emotional, social, and practical support as well as an opportunity for caregivers to take time away or to rest.

  • Receive ongoing training, supervision and group support.

  • Are part of a larger team of professionals committed to providing optimal care to bring quality of life to those they serve.

Eligibility and Referral Process 

Clients who receive service from our volunteer visiting program are living with a life limiting illness and desire companionship, support and/or respite services. 


Referrals can be made through your health care team (Care Coordinator, Home Nurse, Physician, etc.) or by reaching out to Rotary Hospice directly at 519-508-4900 x730 or An in-home assessment is required prior to a volunteer match. 

Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth

80 Greenwood Drive, Stratford, ON N5A 0J1
t. 519.508.4900   e.

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Charitable Registration No. 72776 0126 RR0001   Legal Name: Stratford Perth Hospice Foundation 

© 2025 Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth     Website design by

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