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​June 22, 2024 marked five years since we officially opened the doors to Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth. Reflecting on the past five years, we are humbled and grateful that our original capital campaign tagline still resonates...
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375 individuals cared for

on their end-of-life journey

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478 family members

supported in fiscal year 2023-2024 through the Care & Bereavement program 

“The hospice became a sanctuary for our family...
their care and compassion brought us solace and strength.”
847 individuals remembered

with memorial donations in support of Rotary Hospice 

150 volunteers  |  25,912 volunteer hours 
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357 days of care

dedicated in memory or honour of a loved one 

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87 community outreach calls

provided by our Registered Social Workers in fiscal 2023-2024

“Thanks to the hospice, we were able to focus on spending quality time with our loved one, knowing that they were in capable and caring hands.”

Countless cups of coffee, bowls of homemade soup, freshly baked cookies and muffins, and puzzle pieces enjoyed in our hospice home.

A message from Louise Lepp, Executive Director

Rotary Hospice opened its doors in 2019 and while those first years brought about challenges due to Covid19, I am sure you will agree that we were all presented with an opportunity to pause and reflect on what truly matters in our lives and in our communities. At Rotary Hospice, we have moved into these post pandemic times, stronger, more determined, and surer than ever, that families and their loved ones need to be together, where they can share in the moments that matter during their end-of-life journey. Read Louise’s full address here.

“Rotary Hospice ... a house of life”

Judy Maddren is a daughter, mother, and long-time supporter of Rotary Hospice. She recently experienced first-hand the impact that her giving makes and shares her story.


Read Judy’s story here.

A message from Sarah Hamza, Chair of Stratford Perth Hospice Foundation

“Anyone who has the privilege of experiencing the Rotary Hospice shares a similar sentiment of gratitude that a facility of this caliber exists in our community. While the Ministry of Health covers the direct operational nursing and PSW costs, the aspects of Hospice that make it so special require funds raised by those who understand the magic it provides. With the capital campaign behind us, and the mortgage paid, our thoughts now turn to ensuring the annual community fundraising targets of $1M dollars annually are met.”​  ​Read Sarah’s full address here

2023-2024 Fiscal Year Fundraising Revenue Sources
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2023 Revenue from Signature Events
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Why give monthly?

“My monthly $30 allows me to factor the cost into my overall budget instead of finding a one-time larger gift. It exceeds $20, so I’ll receive a tax receipt, and my annual gift of $360 supports one day of care for a Hospice resident.”

Susan Bidgood, reception volunteer

Read Susan’s story here

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Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth

80 Greenwood Drive, Stratford, ON N5A 0J1
t. 519.508.4900   e.

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Charitable Registration No. 72776 0126 RR0001   Legal Name: Stratford Perth Hospice Foundation 

© 2025 Rotary Hospice Stratford Perth     Website design by

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