When you choose to give monthly, you provide us with reliable funding that allows us to plan ahead, respond quickly to the needs of those we serve, and sustain critical programs year-round.
Join now to double your giving impact.
During the month of February our friends at Quadro Communications want to help us grow our base of monthly donors and have generously offered to match all new or increased monthly gifts, up to $25,000!
“I give monthly to Rotary Hospice because our experience would have been totally different if the hospice hadn’t been here when my husband, Roger, and I needed it. I look back on our time with gratitude. The atmosphere was welcoming for friends and family who came as often as they could. It was a positive experience.”
Joanne Proulx
Why Monthly Giving Matters
Sustained Support
When you choose to give monthly, you provide us with reliable funding that allows us to plan ahead, respond quickly to the needs of those we serve, and sustain critical programs year-round.
Ease and Convenience
Monthly giving is simple and hassle-free. Set it up once, and your gift is automatically processed each month. Plus, you can adjust your monthly giving amount or cancel at any time.
Monthly Donations Add Up
Smaller, regular contributions add up and offer you a budget-friendly way to make a lasting impact.
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$20/month for a year
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$30/month for a year
Pays for a full day of care for one resident room.
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$50/month for a year
Funds need an example here, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, blah, blah, blah
Become a member of the Hospice Hearts community today.
Join the Hospice Hearts Club and bring comfort, compassion, and care to those who need it most. Your steady support creates a ripple effect of hope and healing across our community.